…the bowmen; the yeomen, the lads of dale and fell. Here’s to you; and to you! To the hearts that are true. And the land where the true hearts dwell.
By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Our Vision


We aim to be the leading Ambassadors for Traditional skills and crafts, and the link they represent to our personal ancestry and heritage.

 We will keep endangered traditional craft and skills alive whilst passing this knowledge onto individuals of all generations to ensure its place in our future.

We will become the “one stop shop” for English Longbow manufacture and use, and be a valuable global resource.

Whether our customers are interested in traditional crafts, their history or practical use of skills, we will provide engaging, fun and educational experiences and learning opportunities.

Mission Statement

Through a professional and personal service to our clients, we will ensure they have an experience that they will remember for a lifetime.

We will develop our knowledge of key skills, crafts and technologies that enable to produce notable historical replica full functional artifacts

 Traditional manufacturing crafts will be protected by nurturing and developing the supply ecosystem of the fundamental components to support these.

We will use our knowledge to empower individuals to enjoy and develop their association to these crafts and skills, and will help them create treasured memories of their connection to us and to our vision.


Learn more about the experience days!




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Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us now!




Now Strike Archery Ltd

Office address: The Essex Barn at Rook Hall Farm Chigborough Road Heybridge Essex CM9 4RB

Please check the location of your experience on your confirmation email as we work from different venues

Company number 09222668